Instructions for Authors

Aims and Scope
The International Journal of Oral Biology (IJOB) is an official journal of the Korean Academy of Oral Biology ( IJOB, launched in 1977, is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal. IJOB aims to publish evidence-based, scientific research articles from various disciplines of the orofacial and dental sciences. IJOB welcomes articles containing original information including anatomy, biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, or physiology, which meet the general interest to researchers in oral biology. IJOB is published quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). Full text is freely available from: . This journal is indexed & abstracted in KoreaMed, KoMCI, KCI, RISS, NDSL, Google Scholar, Crossref, Western Pacific Region Index Medicus, OCLC WorldCat, British Library, and WorldWideScience.
Editorial Policy
The editor assumes that all authors listed in a manuscript have agreed with the following policy of IJOB on submission of manuscript. Manuscript submitted to the journal must be previously unpublished and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Under any circumstances, the identities of the reviewers will not be revealed. If a new author should be added or an author should be deleted after the submission, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all of the authors concerned are aware of and agree to the change in authorship. If authorship of a manuscript changes (including the order of authors’ names) during the publication process, notification of the change, signed by the corresponding author and any authors whose names have been added to or removed from the manuscript, must be sent to the Editorial Office. Article processing charges will due on every manuscript. Please refer to “Article Processing Charges” in the section of “Organization of Manuscripts”. All published manuscripts become the permanent property of IJOB and must not be published elsewhere without written permission.
Manuscript Submission
Authors should submit manuscripts via the electronic manuscript management system for IJOB ( Please log in first as a member of the system and follow the directions. Manuscripts should indicate the address, phone number, e-mail address, and fax number, if available, for correspondence in the title page of the manuscript. The revised manuscript should be submitted through the same web system under the same identification numbers. Author’s check list and copyright transfer statement can be found during the submission process and in the journal website.

Editorial and Peer Review Process
IJOB reviews all manuscripts received. A manuscript is previewed for its format and academic relevancy, and then rejected or sent to the 2 most relevant investigators available for review of the contents. The editor selects peer reviewers by recommendation of the Editorial Board members or from the Board’s database. Acceptance of the manuscript is decided based on the critiques and recommended decision of the reviewers. A reviewer may recommend “accept”, “minor revision”, “major revision,” or “reject”. If there is a marked discrepancy in the decisions between two reviewers or between the opinions of the author and reviewer(s), the editor may send the manuscript to another reviewer for additional comments and a recommended decision. The repeated decisions of “major revision” are regarded as a “rejection.” The reviewed manuscripts are returned back to the corresponding author with comments and recommended revisions. A final editor’s decision on acceptance or rejection for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author from the Editorial Office. Revisions are requested to take account of criticisms and comments made by reviewers. The revised manuscript should be resubmitted via the same electronic manuscript management system. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within the indicated duration without any notice from the corresponding author is regarded as a withdrawal. The corresponding author must indicate clearly what alterations have been made in response to the reviewer’s comments point by point. Acceptable reasons should be given for noncompliance with any recommendation of the reviewers.
Ethical Considerations
Research Ethics
All of the manuscripts should be prepared based on strict observation of research and publication ethics guidelines recommended by the Council of Science Editors (, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE,, World Association of Medical Editors (, and the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, All studies involving human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible Institutional Review Board (IRB). Please refer to the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki ( for all investigations involving human materials. Animal experiments also should be reviewed by an appropriate committee (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) for the care and use of animals. Also studies with pathogens requiring a high degree of biosafety should pass review of a relevant committee (Institutional Biosafety Committee). The approval should be described in the Materials and Methods section. For studies of humans including case reports, state whether informed consents were obtained from the study participants. The editor of IJOB may request submission of copies of informed consents from human subjects in clinical studies or IRB approval documents. IJOB will follow the guidelines by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( for settlement of any misconduct. To ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex or gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.
Conflicts of Interest
The corresponding author of an article is asked to inform the IJOB International Journal of Oral Biology Editor of the authors' potential conflicts of interest possibly influencing the research or interpretation of data. A potential conflict of interest should be disclosed in the cover letter even when the authors are confident that their judgments have not been influenced in preparing the manuscript. Such conflicts may include financial support or private connections to pharmaceutical companies, political pressure from interest groups, or academic problems. Disclosure form shall be same with ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest ( The Editor will decide whether the information on the conflict should be included in the published paper. In particular, all sources of funding for a study should be explicitly stated. IJOB asks reviewers to let its Editor know of any conflict of interest before reviewing a particular manuscript.
IJOB follows the recommendations for authorship by the ICMJE, 2018 ( and Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals 2nd Edition (KAMJE, 2013, Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; 2) drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet conditions of 1, 2, 3, and 4. In addition, an author should be accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done and should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. Authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their coauthors. All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged as contributors not be authors. These authorship criteria are intended to reserve the status of authorship for those who deserve credit and can take responsibility for the work. The criteria are not intended for use as a means to disqualify colleagues from authorship who otherwise meet authorship criteria by denying them the opportunity to meet criterion #2 or 3. Therefore, all individuals who meet the first criterion should have the opportunity to participate in the review, drafting, and final approval of the manuscript. A corresponding author should be designated when there are two or more authors. The corresponding author is primarily responsible for all issues to the editor and audience. When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. When submitting a manuscript authored by a group, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Journals generally list other members of the group in the Acknowledgments. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.
Redundant Publication and Plagiarism
Redundant publication is defined as “reporting (publishing or attempting to publish) substantially the same work more than once, without attribution of the original source(s)”. Characteristics of reports that are substantially similar include the following: (a) “at least one of the authors must be common to all reports (if there are no common authors, it is more likely plagiarism than redundant publication),” (b) “the subjects or study populations are the same or overlapped,” (c) “the methodology is typically identical or nearly so,” and (d) “the results and their interpretation generally vary little, if at all.” When submitting a manuscript, authors should include a letter informing the editor of any potential overlap with other already published material or material being evaluated for publication and should also state how the manuscript submitted to IJOB differs substantially from other materials. If all or part of your patient population was previously reported, this should be mentioned in the Materials and Methods section, with citation of the appropriate reference(s).
Clinical Trials
1. Obligation to register
Clinical trial defined as “any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention and comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome” should be registered to the primary registry to be prior publication. IJOB accepts the registration in any of the primary registries that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Portal (, NIH (, ISRCTN registry (, or the Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS), Korea CDC ( The clinical trial registration number shall be published at the end of the abstract.
2. Data sharing statement
IJOB follows the data sharing policy described in “Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors”. The ICMJE's policy regarding trial registration is explained at If the data sharing plan changes after registration this should be reflected in the statement submitted and published with the manuscript, and updated in the registry record.
Organization of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be written in English with the body text in 12 point Times New Roman or Korean with the body text in 12 point Batang typescript and double spaced, with approximately one inch margins (the article title, abstract, tables, figures, and references should be written in English only). Avoid using footnotes and do not use italics for emphasis. Latin names should be given for all species used in the investigation. Where abbreviations are used, the word or words should be spelled out in full on initial appearance in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. In general, manuscripts should be organized in the following manner:
Title Page
Provide a full title of the article, a running title of no more 50 characters, and full names and affiliations of all authors. At the bottom of the title page, give the name, e-mail address, and ORCID.
Abstract and Keywords
On a separate page, should not exceed 250 words and must be self-explanatory and clear to the non-specialist readers. Keywords should be given at the end of the abstract in five or fewer words or phrases. In selecting Keywords, authors are recommended to refer to MeSH (Medical Subject Headings;
Summarize the rationale and purpose of investigation and a brief survey of the existing literature on the subject. Do not use subheadings.
Materials and Methods
Provide enough detail to ensure the readers could repeat the described procedures, including statistical testing.
Present the data without interpretation or subjective comments.
Explain and interpret the data, especially as it relates to previous investigations. Present the highlights and limitations of this current investigation. State the conclusions and how they are
supported by the data.
State all sources of funding for this investigation. Also, authors may acknowledge researchers who have contributed to the study or preparation of the manuscript but whose contributions were inadequate to qualify for authorship.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors must agree to disclose all affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships that could be perceived as potential sources of bias.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Authors should identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in bracket, e.g., MMPs are implicated in both differentiation and migration of cells and programmed cell death [1,2], and thus they have been regarded as key regulators in tissue development [1-3]. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. The titles of journals are abbreviated according to the style used in
the list of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE, posted by the NLM on the Library's website ( Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if available and if no print reference is available, should be provided. Manuscripts accepted but not published may be cited in the reference list by placing “in press” after the title of the journal. Examples of correct forms of references are listed below:
-Journal articles
1. Lee EJ, Hong YG, Yoo HI, Yang SY, Kang JH, Kim MS, Kim SH. CsA affects the rat submandibular glands via regulating the CypA expression. Int J Oral Biol 2012;37:153-9. doi: 10.11620/IJOB.2012.37.4.153.
2. Yeon KY, Sim MY, Choi SY, Lee SJ, Park K, Kim JS, Lee JH, Lee KM, Oh SB. Molecular mechanisms underlying calcium current modulation by nociceptin. Neuroreport 2004;15:2205-9.
3. Didier H, Marchetti C, Borromeo G, Tullo V, D'amico D, Bussone G, Santoro F. Chronic daily headache: suggestion for the neuromuscular oral therapy. Neurol Sci 2011;32 Suppl
1:S161-4. doi: 10.1007/s10072-011-0515-6.
4. Lee JY, Choo JE, Choi YS, Shim IK, Lee SJ, Seol YJ, Chung CP, Park YJ. Effect of immobilized cell-binding peptides on chitosan membranes for osteoblastic differentiation of
mesenchymal stem cells. Biotechnol Appl Biochem 2009;52(Pt1):69-77. doi: 10.1042/BA20070169.
5. Lee DS, Yoon WJ, Cho ES, Kim HJ, Gronostajski RM, Cho MI, Park JC. Crosstalk between nuclear factor I-C and transforming growth factor-β1 signaling regulates odontoblast differentiation and homeostasis. PLoS One 2011;6:e29160. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029160.
6. Kim MJ, Kim CS, Kim BH, Ro SB, Lim YK, Park SN, Cho E, Ko JH, Kwon SS, Ko YM, Kook JK. Antimicrobial effect of Korean propolis against the mutans streptococci isolated from Korean. J Microbiol 2011;49:161-4. doi:10.1007/s12275-011-1002-8. Erratum in: J Microbiol 2011;49:327.
7. Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.
8. Advanced Life Support Group. Acute medical emergencies: the practical approach. London: BMJ Books; 2001.
-Chapters of a Book
9. Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, KinzlerKW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.
10. Lee JY. Functional characteristics of Korean medicinal plants and antimicrobial activity of against oral pathogens [dissertation]. Daegu: Daegu Catholic University; 2017.
11. Hong GD, inventor; Hankook University, assignee. The ideal orthodontic wiring device. Korea patent KR20110000000. 2002 Aug 1.
-In press or forthcoming
12. Lee CH, Rho HH. Mechanisms of fluoride in the prevention of dental caries and periodontitis. Science. in press 2015.
13. A.D.A.M. medical encyclopedia [Internet]. Atlanta: A.D.A.M., Inc.; 2005 [cited 2019 Feb 2]. Available from:
Invited reviews
Invited reviews are expected to be focused discussions of defined topics relevant to the scope of IJOB. A standard title page should be provided. References should be limited to no more than 50. Invited reviews will be reviewed by three IJOB editors.
Letters to Editor
Letters to Editor are expected to be short and rapid communication with topics relevant to the scope of IJOB. A standard title page should be provided. This is followed by an abstract of 100 words or less and then the text of the Letters to Editor, which should not exceed 10 double-spaced manuscript pages in length. Letters to Editor are free-style with or without subsections (Introduction, Results, Discussion etc). Up to three tables, figures, or photographs, total, may be included. References should be limited to no more than 50. Letters to Editor will be reviewed by three IJOB editors.
The correction section includes correcting errors that occurred during typing, editing, or printing of a published articles. Correction should be sent to the IJOB editorial offices by e-mail (
All necessary Figures should accompany the manuscript, but should not be inserted in the text. All photographs, graphs, and diagrams should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers in the order to which they are referred in the text. Figures files should be in TIFF, GIF, JPG, PDF, EPS, or Power-Point format and must be labeled on the title line as Figure 1, 2, etc. Figures are resized during publication of the final full text and PDF versions to conform to IJOB standard dimensions, which are detailed below.
- width of 600 pixels (standard), 1,200 pixels (high resolution).
- width of 85 mm for half page width figure;
- width of 170 mm for full page width figure;
- maximum height of 225 mm for figure and legend;
- image resolution of approximately 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size.
Figure legends should give sufficient information to make the figures comprehensible without reference to the text.
Each table should be prepared on a separate page. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers. Type each table on a separate sheet, with titles making them self-explanatory. Tables should be provided in Word or HWP format not as graphic files pasted into text. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in this sequence: a, b, c, d, e, f, etc.
Page proofs must be returned to the journal promptly. Proofs not received by the deadline will be published without the authors’ corrections. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication are considered final copy and should not undergo any substantial changes in proof. Authors may be charged for excessive changes in proof, especially if these revisions cause any delay in publication process.
Article Processing Charges
1. Page charges: Basic page charge is $300, which includes the charge for 30 offprints for all published manuscripts.
2. Color charges: Authors will be assessed a charge for each page with color figure(s). Color figures can generally be reproduced in acceptable quality in black and white if authors are unwilling or unable to pay for color charges. Authors are asked to contribute towards the cost of printing color figures.
Reprints may be purchased using the reprint order form sent to authors with the page proofs. Copies of that journal issue-at a specially reduced rate-may also be ordered on this form.