ISSN : 1226-7155(Print)
ISSN : 2287-6618(Online)
International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.23 No.1 pp.1-13
Genetic Instability and the Development of Human Oral Cancer
No-Hee Park1.+ Joseph McQuirer², Frederick Rutherford². Ki-Hyuk Shin¹, Xuan Liu¹, Wentong Guo¹ and Charles N Bertolami³
³School of Dentistry, University of Californla, San Franclsco, 94143 U.S.A. ¹Dental Research Institute and School of Dentistry, University of Californla, Los Angeles, CA90095-1668, ²Department of Oral and Maxillofaclal Surgery, Charles R, Drew University of Mediclne and Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90095.